Essay (2008) 10 Min.
(Status: abgeschlossen)

When I found out that I was being spied on, I decided to strike back by filming the spies. In addition I wanted to escape somehow and taste a forbidden fruit growing in my garden that no one should ever harvest. Everything happened exactly in that very moment and solely to me, but concurrently claimed universality of time and person. PICTURE HEAD is a short and very personal film about observing, being observed and about the luckiness of finding a shaddock.

Kooperation: Internationale Schule für Film und Fernsehen (Kuba), Direktion für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (Schweiz)


•ARTS LE HAVRE (Weltpremiere)
•Traverse Vidéo Toulouse (im Goethe-Institut)
•Hafenlichtspiele Düsseldorf
•Fresh Film Fest Karlovy Vary
•Festival de Cine de Alcalá de Henares ’08
